A place where kids have fun & learn

This is 4Life Education, where the kids' happy life comes first!
What We Focus on?

4Life Education Philosophy


Happy Life

Life journey is happiness, currently and forever


Talent Inside

Children are born intelligent and capable



How we learn is far more important than What we know



Balance life with people and nature

Curriculum Integration

Core Principals of 4Life Kindergarten

We encourage the essential role of free play and physical education 

We promote the significance of serving nutritious meals

Our teachers are dedicated to understanding the unique needs of each child

We honor and accept every child for who they are, recognizing their distinct thoughts and feelings

We embrace and celebrate the rich cultural diversity within our school community

Our team creates a secure, happy, and inspiring school environment that encourages creativity

New Video

New Approach to Fun

At 4Life, we make sure kids have as much fun in the kindergarten as possible. We always keep the memories alive!

Take a look at

Play & Learn Activities

Learning is holistic & Play is the best tool for learning

These are our

Upcoming Events

Take a look at the calendar for the festivals, birthdays, and parties we have planned for the kids!

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Playroom Team

Meet Our Animators

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Jessica Lewis

Augue mnesarchum ex sed, an cum nusquam adipisci ocurreret.

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Sarah Walsh

Augue mnesarchum ex sed, an cum nusquam adipisci ocurreret.

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Benjamin Morgan

Augue mnesarchum ex sed, an cum nusquam adipisci ocurreret.

What They Say

Our Happy Parents

Eos audire molestie ex, nam argumentum referrentur an, cuclita offendit voluptatum pri. Assum facilisis definie.

a Sunny's Mom

Cum habeo facilis postulantne. Meliore recteque adpri, mei debet urbanitas. Exchoro complectitur et disputationi ius.

a Jacob's Dad

Meliore recteque ad pri, mei debet urbanitas necessitatibus in. Exemusite comple disputatius, dicit maiestatis ex.

a Kelly's Mom