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4Life Collaborative Education

The family plays a crucial role in the upbringing of children. It is the first socialization unit that a child comes into contact with from birth. The family provides the environment and experiences that help children develop the necessary skills and values to function in society. What we teach at home and how we encourage our children greatly influences their communication, learning, and relationships with others.

The logo of 4Life features a symbol of three hearts of the same color, representing unity. Childhood education consists of three components: family, child, and school. Family and school actively create the educational environment, while the child is the recipient of this environment.

The relationship between the family and the school is a cooperative one aimed at educating the child together. Therefore, the family and the school must share a consistent educational philosophy and approach.

4Life parents have the right to clearly understand the educational philosophy and methods of 4Life through seminars, events, parent meetings, and direct communication. Based on this understanding, they can support the school in educating the child at home and request the school’s advice and support for each child’s individual needs. The child is an equal participant in the educational journey, and both the family and the school must work together to understand the child’s strengths, passions, and challenges. The family and the school must act as a unified link in educating the child. The 4Life parent community is growing stronger, providing a platform for parents to support each other and collaborate with 4Life to nurture their children to become the best versions of themselves.

The relationship between the family and the school is a cooperative one aimed at educating the child together
family and the school must share a consistent educational philosophy and approach


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